HASHING Frequently Asked Questions.By Willie Mykura

Q What on earth is hashing? – It sounds a bit suspicious to me…..

A It’s actually a running activity that’s a bit like a paper chase – a ‘pack’ of runners follows a trail laid by a ‘hare’, we usually run for about an hour or two.

Q Ah, so it’s nothing to do with the illicit combustible then?

A No - it all started in Kuala Lumpur in the 1920’s when the ex-pats needed something to do to work up an appetite. They ran on paper trails laid through the Malaysian jungle – it was modelled on ancient hunting techniques. It kept them fit and worked up a thirst – so they usually finished up at a local hostelry called the ‘Hash House’ – so called because of the basic nature of its food.

Q It sounds like a KB night run! Do you still finish the run at the pub?

A Yes, we usually run from a different pub each week. This provides variety and a chance to explore different parts of town – you never know quite where the trail is going to take you – so each run is a bit of an adventure. It takes your mind off the pain of running!

Q Do you need to be an orienteer then, and do you need to be fit?

A You certainly don’t need to be fit, though there are some ‘athletes’ who run. The trail is laid using blobs of flour (a bit more environmentally friendly than paper) and is easy to follow. A clever hare will put breaks into the trail called ‘checks’ in order to slow down the fast people (called front runners) and let the slower people catch up. It adds a bit of fun.

Q Sounds a bit like a Handicap race! But don’t people get lost?

A No, a well laid trail will keep the pack together – the fit ones can run hard and search out the checks, while the slow ones can walk if they want, and still keep up - this is the beauty of hashing. It runs on interesting routes and allows all standards of runners to take part safely, even at night.

Q But I hear that hundreds of people run on the hash in Edinburgh every week. What’s the secret of its popularity?

A Well, the hash is sometimes jokingly referred to as, ‘a drinking club with a running problem’ – the running is great fun and non competitive, but its a great social event too and a chance to meet people – there have been a few hash romances and even hash marriages – and a few hash babies!

Q Sounds even better than a Handicap Race! When do we start?

A The ‘Carnethy Hash’ is coming up soon! Watch your E-mail for details.

Q Well I’m sold on it. But I must ask one question, succinctly put by a certain J.R. "Why would anyone go hashing when you can run in the hills?"

A Precisely. See you at the Hash then, Jane…….


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