Ian Hodgson Relays, 2003

Results are on the "Sportident" web page click the links below.
OverallResults Leg1Detailed Leg2Detailed Leg3Detailed

the start
Team 1 (30th in 4:41:02)
leg 1 Stewart Barrie
Mark James
After a 25 mph drive along Ullswater behind some rubbernecking tourists (with steam coming out of WGs ears!) we arrived at the start with 15 mins to spare. Good atmosphere, loads of people milling around, then bang! and a really fast start ensued. Mark took up the pace and I tried to hang on. The dire weather warnings proved to be unfounded (at least for our leg) and the first climb saw much shedding of hellys. I managed to catch Mark by the first summit Hart Crag?) We then had a a strong run catching a few pairs on the way to Fairfield and then along St Sunday Crag. We enjoyed some spectacular views along the tops, then I managed to undo our earlier good work by turning my ankle as we started the descent. Mark was waiting at the bottom and we estimated that we lost 15-20 places thanks to my cautious descending.
leg 2
4.5 miles
Bill Gauld
Robin Morris

 First Km is dead flat- out of the field- mionor road- main road, , farm road , over a bridge to Side Farm. After a few wiggles past the farm the second Km is a steady slow runnable climb to Boredale House on one or other of a pair of parallel tracks (we used the upper one). The gradient is aboput the same as Observatory Road. walk some short steep parts up to a flattish areaand over a burn and up a small valley to a path junction overlooking a ravine.........

Bill Gauld
leg 3 Derek Bearhop
John Blair-Fish
The 3rd leg appeared to be the short straw, with a significant height gain in our route over the tops from Hartsop to the Kirkstone Pass. The electronic timing system required a frenzy of 'dibbing' at the changeover from Bill and Robin, but JBF and I took the map baton and ground our way past several teams on the long climb to High Street. Thereafter we enjoyed a splendid rolling run along the ridges to Kirkstone, finishing in a plunge down to the waiting Willies and only just beating a rainshower that had somehow materialised out of a perfect blue sky. This was a fine well-organised event amidst colourful autumnal scenery with plenty of logistics to keep anxious team captains on their toes. And all for a 2" slate coaster."
leg 4 Willie Gibson
Willie Mykura
It was a lovely day as we watched leg 1 and leg 2 start off, but by the time Willie and I headed up Red Screes it was drizzling and the mist was coming in. It was a hard climb with Willie M ahead at the start, but I caught up by the top. We kept in touch on the first descent, but I was falling a little behind, the next climb was steady and once again I led the climb. Trying to keep up with Willie onthe last descent was hard, especially on the rough track, but the great thing about running as a team is the way your partner can pull you on to a better time.
It was a good fun run.
Willie Gibson
As we turned off the M6 into the Lakes the fantastic views of the hills reminded us of just how accessible this wonderful place is. Running the last leg of the race with Willie Gibson meant quite a bit of hanging around in the cold wind, but the sunny weather made it a fantastic event for spectators. Once we were off Willie was climbing more strongly than me but I caught up on the downhills, and the fantastic long fast descent to the finish meant I had the easier time of it, I think. Overall we picked up more places than we lost and had a lovely run, so we were happy.
Willie Mykura

waiting between legs

Andy and Karen set off on leg 1

Robin and Bill wait at leg 2 for Stuart and Mark

Stewart and Mark storm in

leg 1 goes up the side of the middle hill

Andy and Karen hand over to Anne and Kate....
Team 2 (57th in 5:54:05)
leg 1 Andy Spenceley
Karen Meikle
 After the forecast predicting it would be a dire day on race day, we woke up to blue sky and sun, a perfect day for the tough leg 1. I'd run all the other legs in previous years, so this made my set and it really is a great leg with a steep climb followed by lots of ridge running as you run from Hart Crag over Fairfield and St Sunday Crag. The views were amazing and the running lovely, varying from wide grassy ridges to more narrow aretes with a few more rocky sections chucked in for interest ! Wouldn't be so keen to do it in bad weather, though !
Andy Spenceley
leg 2 Anne Nimmo
Kate Friend
I've run leg 2 twice before, but it was Kate's first time. We set off with no-one in sight, in front or behind, but knew the Patterdale Mountain Rescue girls team would be behind us sooner or later! At the first path-choice a helpful walker shouted 'The others all went that way!' and at the top checkpoint the marshalls shared their Earl Grey with us. Now we had Lothian in sight and followed them to the start of the steep descent. After a slight route readjustment (courtesy of another kind spectator) Kate stormed down, pulling me in her wake and leaving two teams behind us in the process. The sun shone the whole way and the views were fantastic.
 It was my first Hodgson?s relay and on Sunday morning I was allocated ?Leg 2? with Anne. Phew I thought, she?s run this leg before?we?ll be ok. Along came Karen and Andy who passed over the ?baton? (map to you and me) and I ?dibbed? out with the electronic timer device securely fastened around my wrist. The views were fantastic and the rain held off; unfortunately I took a tumble on the steep decent and now have a swollen ankle, however it didn?t stop us storming down the track to Jane and Hilary, having successfully overtaken two other teams.
leg 3 Hilary Spenceley
Jane Robertson
 Anne and Kate came in just before the Lothian girls & Jane & I set off knowing their navigational skills surpassed ours if the mist came down so the object was to get through this leg before the threatening clouds arrived. Eyeballs out up the rough track. I won't get to the hill at this pace I gasped & we slackened off a bit. The climb up towards High Street saw us catch almost catch two girls, unfortunately I was running too fast to map read and we followed them when they overshot and we all had to retrace 50 yards.
I was quite proud of my steep descent towards Thornthwaite Crag - I did keep moving! And Jane was very patient. We caught the girls up at the top & led them into the checkpoint at the Cauldale Moor tarn. They took off leaving us on the descent as the wind & sleet began in earnest. Luckily the navigation was done. We pushed hard hoping to let Mark & Nick off before the mass start but just missed it. I felt I'd had my hardest run for a long time- levitation on the West Highland Way has its high points but chasing Jane downhill certainly did more for my lungs

the Hodgsons were good fun.

leg 4 Nick MacDonald
Mark James

..and Willie runs backwards with camera as they set off

the sun had disappeared by the time Mykura and Gibson set off on leg 4

Andy quizzes JBF and Derek about leg 3

Nick and Mark lead the mass start on the steep climb up the last leg

Hilary jumps for joy when she sees Andy

the debrief

Willie G looking very happy
on the rough descent

the cattle grid was posing problems
to some runners until Gibson came
up with a solution, or was it that
he tripped and fell flat on his face?

..but he quickly got up when Nick came in sight!

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